Friday, July 29, 2011

CRK's Best Kept Secret

On Friday morning, Karen Hassett and I visited the Camp Raven Knob mountain man program. Named "Cripple Creek Village," these older Scouts spend the week living on an American homestead patterned after the 1850's.

Scouts John Diehl, Drew and Drake Stillman, and Zach Smith were the Troop 451 mountain men this summer. Troop dad, Jim Smith, joined our contingent on Wednesday.

(Not shown in the photos is the black powder musket range.)

The Forge

Zach proudly shows off the fruits of his labor: an s-hook used for hanging items.

The General Store

Jim Smith points out how the sconces are plumbed to burn propane using silk mantles.

Drake behind the candy counter.

The root beer tap.

A decorative giant bellows mounted on the ceiling.

Tent Village

John reports that the tents at Cripple Creek are three feet wider than the standard tents used throughour Raven Knob.

Hearth Outside of the Kitchen

Hook Used for Hauling Logs

Fetch a Pail of Water

John and Drake demonstrated how they have to prepare the water system before taking a shower.

We start at the pump.

Ms. Hassett is a good water pumper!

Next, we carry the pail of water up the hill.

Dump the water into the holding tank.

Gravity does the rest.

The water inside the pipe warms up. Take a quick shower. Cold water from the tank is quickly approaching!

Quick! Turn on the water while Drake is looking up! :-)

Bench Making

Note the lack of nails!

A Summer Garden

John pointed out two tomatoes that are ready for picking.

Rhode Island Reds

Drake reports that fresh eggs are delicious.

Targets for Tomahawk Throwing

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